Source code for gerrit.projects.branches

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Jialiang Shi
import logging
from base64 import b64decode
from urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote_plus
import requests
from gerrit.utils.common import params_creator
from gerrit.utils.gerritbase import GerritBase
from gerrit.utils.exceptions import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class GerritProjectBranch(GerritBase): def __init__(self, name: str, project: str, gerrit): = name self.project = project self.gerrit = gerrit self.endpoint = f"/projects/{self.project}/branches/{quote_plus(}" super().__init__(self) def __str__(self): return
[docs] def get_file_content(self, file, decode=False): """ Gets the content of a file from the HEAD revision of a certain branch. The content is returned as base64 encoded string. :param file: the file path :param decode: Decode bas64 to plain text. :return: """ result = self.gerrit.get(self.endpoint + f"/files/{quote_plus(file)}/content") if decode: return b64decode(result).decode("utf-8") return result
[docs] def is_mergeable(self, input_): """ Gets whether the source is mergeable with the target branch. .. code-block:: python input_ = { 'source': 'testbranch', 'strategy': 'recursive' } result = stable.is_mergeable(input_) :param input_: the MergeInput entity, :return: """ source = input_.get("source") try: project = self.gerrit.projects.get(unquote_plus(self.project)) project.branches.get(name=source) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error: if error.response.status_code == 404: message = f"Source Branch {source} does not exist" logger.error(message) raise BranchNotFoundError(message) return self.gerrit.get(self.endpoint + "/mergeable", params=input_)
[docs] def get_reflog(self): """ Gets the reflog of a certain branch. :return: """ return self.gerrit.get(self.endpoint + "/reflog")
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete a branch. :return: """ self.gerrit.delete(self.endpoint)
[docs] class GerritProjectBranches: branch_prefix = "refs/heads/" def __init__(self, project, gerrit): self.project = project self.gerrit = gerrit self.endpoint = f"/projects/{self.project}/branches"
[docs] def list(self, pattern_dispatcher=None, limit: int = 25, skip: int = 0): """ List the branches of a project. :param pattern_dispatcher: Dict of pattern type with respective pattern value: {('match'|'regex') : value} :param limit: Limit the number of branches to be included in the results. :param skip: Skip the given number of branches from the beginning of the list. :return: """ params = params_creator( (("n", limit), ("s", skip)), {"match": "m", "regex": "r"}, pattern_dispatcher, ) return self.gerrit.get(self.endpoint + "/", params=params)
[docs] def get(self, name): """ get a branch by ref :param name: branch ref name :return: """ try: result = self.gerrit.get(self.endpoint + f"/{quote_plus(name)}") ref = result.get("ref") name = ref.replace(self.branch_prefix, "") return GerritProjectBranch( name=name, project=self.project, gerrit=self.gerrit ) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error: if error.response.status_code == 404: message = f"Branch {name} does not exist" raise BranchNotFoundError(message) raise GerritAPIException from error
[docs] def create(self, name, input_): """ Creates a new branch. .. code-block:: python input_ = { 'revision': '76016386a0d8ecc7b6be212424978bb45959d668' } project = client.projects.get('myproject') new_branch = project.branches.create('stable', input_) :param name: the branch name :param input_: the BranchInput entity, :return: """ try: self.get(name) message = f"Branch {name} already exists" logger.error(message) raise BranchAlreadyExistsError(message) except BranchNotFoundError: self.gerrit.put( self.endpoint + f"/{quote_plus(name)}", json=input_, headers=self.gerrit.default_headers, ) return self.get(name)
[docs] def delete(self, name): """ Delete a branch. :param name: branch ref name :return: """ self.get(name) self.gerrit.delete(self.endpoint + f"/{quote_plus(name)}")