Source code for gerrit.changes.changes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Jialiang Shi
import logging
import requests
from gerrit.changes.change import GerritChange
from gerrit.utils.exceptions import ChangeNotFoundError, GerritAPIException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class GerritChanges: def __init__(self, gerrit): self.gerrit = gerrit self.endpoint = "/changes"
[docs] def search(self, query: str, options=None, limit: int = 25, skip: int = 0): """ Queries changes visible to the caller. .. code-block:: python query = "is:open+owner:self+is:mergeable" result =, options=["LABELS"]) :param query: Query string, it can contain multiple search operators concatenated by '+' character :param options: List of options to fetch additional data about changes :param limit: Int value that allows to limit the number of changes to be included in the output results :param skip: Int value that allows to skip the given number of changes from the beginning of the list :return: """ params = { k: v for k, v in (("o", options), ("n", limit), ("S", skip)) if v is not None } return self.gerrit.get(self.endpoint + f"/?q={query}", params=params)
[docs] def get(self, id_): """ Retrieves a change. :param id_: change id :return: """ try: endpoint = self.endpoint + f"/{id_}/" result = self.gerrit.get(endpoint) id = result.get("id") return GerritChange(id=id, gerrit=self.gerrit) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error: if error.response.status_code == 404: message = f"Change {id_} does not exist" if isinstance(id_, str) and id_.startswith("I"): res ="change: {id_}") if len(res) > 0: change_ids = [item.get("id") for item in res] message = f"Change {id_} query multiple changes: {', '.join(change_ids)}, which one do you want?" logger.error(message) raise ChangeNotFoundError(message) raise GerritAPIException from error
[docs] def create(self, input_): """ create a change .. code-block:: python input_ = { "project": "myProject", "subject": "Let's support 100% Gerrit workflow direct in browser", "branch": "stable", "topic": "create-change-in-browser", "status": "NEW" } result = client.changes.create(input_) :param input_: the ChangeInput entity, :return: """ project_name = input_.get("project") branch_name = input_.get("branch") project = self.gerrit.projects.get(project_name) project.branches.get(branch_name) result = self.endpoint + "/", json=input_, headers=self.gerrit.default_headers ) return result
[docs] def delete(self, id_): """ Deletes a change. :param id_: change id :return: """ self.get(id_) self.gerrit.delete(self.endpoint + f"/{id_}")