Source code for gerrit.plugins.plugins

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Jialiang Shi
from gerrit.utils.common import params_creator

[docs]class GerritPlugin: def __init__(self, id_: str, gerrit): self.id_ = id_ self.gerrit = gerrit self.endpoint = f"/plugins/{self.id_}"
[docs] def enable(self): """ Enables a plugin on the Gerrit server. :return: """ result = + "/gerrit~enable") return result
[docs] def disable(self): """ Disables a plugin on the Gerrit server. :return: """ result = + "/gerrit~disable") return result
[docs] def reload(self): """ Reloads a plugin on the Gerrit server. :return: """ result = + "/gerrit~reload") return result
[docs]class GerritPlugins: def __init__(self, gerrit): self.gerrit = gerrit self.endpoint = "/plugins"
[docs] def list( self, is_all: bool = False, limit: int = 25, skip: int = 0, pattern_dispatcher=None ): """ Lists the plugins installed on the Gerrit server. :param is_all: boolean value, if True then all plugins (including hidden ones) will be added to the results :param limit: Int value that allows to limit the number of plugins to be included in the output results :param skip: Int value that allows to skip the given number of plugins from the beginning of the list :param pattern_dispatcher: Dict of pattern type with respective pattern value: {('prefix'|'match'|'regex') : value} :return: """ params = params_creator((("n", limit), ("S", skip)), {"prefix": "p", "match": "m", "regex": "r"}, pattern_dispatcher) params["all"] = int(is_all) return self.gerrit.get(self.endpoint + "/", params=params)
[docs] def get(self, id_): """ :param id_: plugin id :return: """ result = self.gerrit.get(self.endpoint + f"/{id_}/gerrit~status") plugin_id = result.get("id") return GerritPlugin(id_=plugin_id, gerrit=self.gerrit)
[docs] def install(self, id_, input_): """ Installs a new plugin on the Gerrit server. .. code-block:: python input_ = { "url": "file:///gerrit/plugins/delete-project/delete-project-2.8.jar" } plugin = client.plugins.install(input_) :param id_: plugin id :param input_: the PluginInput entity, :return: """ result = self.gerrit.put( self.endpoint + f"/{id_}.jar", json=input_, headers=self.gerrit.default_headers ) return result